Thursday, September 8, 2022



Parapsychologists call dreams "the doorway to the paranormal or other realms."What are your dreams for  2023?

Dreams reflect the activity between the lower Beta and upper Alpha levels of consciousness which results in a series of pictures, visual images, or events during sleep. 

The Sub-Conscious Mind has no interference from the Conscious Mind at this point.  Dreams may present themselves as brief, fragmented visions or complete stories. They represent wishes, desires, emotions, etc., which dwell in the Sub-Conscious Mind. 

In this coming year many will dream of compassion and empathy coming to the forefront and many will dream of peace and good will toward all men.

We, as metaphysicians, may find ourselves delving deeply into the new energies that will emerge in 2023.  We may find ourselves joining others in creating new healer and prayer groups around the world as we work toward better understanding and enlightenment.

2023 will emphasize the energies of Universal Love and Universal Wisdom for all to recognize and participate in.  It does no good to speak of Universal Love if you don’t feel it in your heart and spread it to others.

Universal Wisdom encompasses all the laws of nature and the laws of the Universe.  They are simple laws to understand.  They explain the energies that hold the Universe together and help us understand that all the Laws work in harmony. As we begin to understand the concept behind these laws it will help us incorporate those energies into our personal energy field and open new doors and pave more pathways for us to walk on our search for knowledge, understanding and to becoming a part of the ALL.

The Traveler

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Good morning fellow Traveler

 July is almost upon us.  So much has happened this past month.  Steven went on a road trip to New Mexico.  Mark came up and stayed with me while he was gone.  Got fed lots of Vegan food and it was all delicious.

I have been on an antibiotic for a gum problem and Steven is on one for a serious ear infection.  He also has antibiotic ear drops.

I have discovered the difference between a Coleus and a Variegated Wandering Jew plant.  Would still like to secure a Coleus.

I marvel that I will soon be 90 years old.  My Guardian Angel obviously has something to do with that.

We obtained a smaller crock pot and I am in the process of rewriting recipes to fit it.  Am going to devise my own cookbook.  I love using the crock pot.  It is sooo easy.

Fur kids, Grey Baby and Lovey, are chowing down on some wet food.  Their world is my bedroom...aka the mom's room...and the bathroom which houses their litter boxes.

Steven has put up hand holds for me in several places which help me get around.  My balance, at this point, is almost nil but I get around just fine with my rollator.

Found my original Numerology Handbook for Students (1984) tucked away on a bookshelf.  Had forgotten how much info I had in it.  I am going to start sharing bits and pieces of it.  I think my Face Book friends will enjoy and use the information.

I have several squirrels that love bird seed so I keep the porch ledge full of seeds.  The birds love it too even tho they have a feeder that always has food in it.

My friend Sandy is in the process of making some major changes in her life and it is all going to be better and easier for her.  I am happy for her.  She is and has been a great friend for over 40 years.

There are days I am quite lonely and depressed and others just the opposite but I am sure this is true of everyone with human nature being what it is.

Have been having strange dreams lately.  Many of them involve magic in one form or another.

In deference to the Covid Virus  we have all been wearing a mask when we are out and about.  At one point it was mandated but now it is a choice thing.  

Sometimes I see someone walking down the road with a mask on and wonder what is in their mind that compels them to do that.

This is going to be a day of copying pictures of ancestors for my granddaughter Jesica and getting them in the mail to her.  She loves pictures.

This is a wrap but will be back with you when and if any changes occur in my life.


The Traveler

Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 2021 Catching up on what is going on a bit

May is almost over and June is peaking over the horizon.

Son Steven, who lives with me, is on a road trip to New Mexico and son Mark is filling in for him. 

Mark is a vegan and he is doing all the cooking.  He also kayaks almost every day.  He is a great cook.  He has helped here at the house with a couple problems I have.

I am 89 years old now looking at 90 the end of December.  Never imagined I would like this many years.

Basically my health is good but I do have a problem with next to no balance so I have a rollator that I use to get around.  It serves me well.  

I have a problem standing for any length of time so many things get done with me sitting in the rollator.

Most of the day I am at the computer on Face Book.  I often go to my shiatsu chair and get a good back shiatsu going over.   And I love the game shows so watch the Game Show Network off and on during the day.

I have my doubts that anyone will ever read this but that's o.k.  I have put the words down.

 Mark went kayaking this morning and to his house down in Houston to water his plants.  He has several fruit trees and he raises potatoes, tomatoes and peppers.

 I get to see a chiropractor once a week for my neck and shoulder.  Wish it could be more often but Steven's schedule can only get me there once a week.  Dr. Dawn Bush is my doctor and she is really good.  

Tired right now and eyes are getting heavy...I feel a nap coming on.

 Will try to post more often. On Face Book I am known as The Traveler.

Signing off for this 29th day of May, 2021.

Margaret (Peggy) Rustan

The Traveler


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Journal

Tuesday,February 11, 2020  7:00 a.m.

This is day one of my Journal and I am basically reviewing where I am right now and what is in my life and what I feel is lacking.  In this Journal I am going to record my thoughts...thoughts of how it is and thoughts and plans as how I would like my life to be.

This is my attempt to fill my days with visions of what is left of my life.  At the ripe old age of 88 my desires are most likely to never be fulfilled but I am managing to keep them alive.

Here we go...

Up at 5:00, trip to the bathroom, then to the closet for some fresh clothes.  Grey Baby is on his table waiting for some fresh food and a chance to get on my lap.

Got dressed, played a couple different games of solitaire and got my daily supplements together to take with me to the living room where my computer is.  I eat most of my meals sitting at the computer and like to take my supplements as I eat.  I have an electric teakettle that I keep filled all day so I can quickly heat water for more coffee or a cup of tea.  I have a cup warmer on my desk which keeps my coffee hot for me.

I have three dogs...Jack, the dog the neighbors gave us when they moved; Princess, my son's girlfriend's ankle/leg biting Chihuahua and Shasta, a BeagleBull which we bought from a neighbor who was abusing him.

I have one cat, Grey Baby, that was a rescue kitty my son gave me for Christmas a few years ago.  I am wishing for another kitty so Grey Baby has company during the day and so I have one who snuggles around my chin at night and purrs in my ear.

I keep visualizing a computer set up for my bedroom...the mom's I can get on it when I get up in the morning or during the night when I wake up and can't go back to sleep.  My computer now sits in the living room which is fine except I am limited to using it in the mornings as my son sleeps on the couch.  He gave up his bedroom to his girlfriend when she didn't have a place to stay so his bed now is the couch in the living room.  Her 21 year old son has a makeshift bed in our storeroom.  He lost his job so he is here most of the time.  Her 20 year old son sleeps in his car in our driveway, uses our bathroom, laundry facilities and once in awhile our fridge.  He works as a delivery person but lost his home.

I sit here quietly at the computer until son wakes up.  He works three nights and 2 days every week.  He has Monday and Tuesday off.  Every other Monday we take a little trip to make a car payment, grab a Starbucks and grocery shop.  Big shopping is done after my SS check comes in the first of the month.

I live too far away from the rest of my family for them to have the time to come visit me or help me do some things I can't manage to do alone.  Steven, the son I live with, sleeps days so has little time to help me with things. 

I have problems with my balance but get around very well with my rollator.  I am waiting for oldest son to come up and figure out something that I can put my rollator in to protect it from the weather.  I can't get it up and down the porch steps so have been basically housebound for many months now.  Body is being affected by the lack of my daily walking routine.  

I visualize being able to get out in my yard, clean up the mess left by family as they sat around the fireplace.  Chairs need to be put back in place, table cleaned off and fireplace cleaned.  Want to get little tables set up to put plants on by some of the chairs.  

Yard needs raking badly.  The boy using our store room made a deal to rake the yard once a month and to daily take trash bags out to our large trash container.  We have a heavy trash pickup the 3rd Friday of each month.  He was supposed to have raked the yard and had the leaf bags out for them to pick up.  He hasn't raked the yard in probably 6 months now.  He does manage the trash most of the time.  He even does the dishes once in awhile and he will do anything I ask him to...except keep the yard clean.

So...I am visualizing a home on two or three acres, fenced with a small barn.  I will have a greenhouse that I can work in and want to experiment a bit with hydroponic growing as well as regular, in the dirt veggie and fruit growing.  

My yard will have some form of a gazebo for us to use for coffee, outdoor eating, star gazing and day dreaming.

My house will have one room dedicated to electronic gear.  A private computer for each person and a big screen on the wall to view the tele on.

My barn will be open to all sorts of animals.  Cats, of course, maybe a pet pig and a goat or two.  A couple geese and some chickens.  A pony would be nice.  Thinking I may need at least 5 acres and maybe more with a 10ft cyclone fence all the way around.  That will keep my animals in and others out...other animals and

This, of course, would require mucho dinero but it costs nothing in my dreams.  I can sit in shade, watch the animals play, listen to my 40s and 50s music and sip on my coffee.

It is 9:00 now and time to get some breakfast.  To be continued...

1:15 p.m.

Have had my lunch, whipped up a salad which should last through tomorrow.

My thoughts have been full of Rascal...the little kitty I got when Pywacket  died.  I gave him away and have regretted it ever since.  He had such a sweet little face.  I am going to get another little kid as soon as I can.  I need to feel being needed and looked up to for being fed and loved by a little guy.  Jack wants to kill kitties, not sure about Shasta but I think he would too.  Princess is o.k. with kitties.  There are moments when I wish I didn't have any dogs.   These are the first dogs I have had that were dangerous to kitties.  All my other dogs have been great with them.

My life, at times, sucks.  I keep trying to figure out how to make a move without causing get upset and problems.

Going to watch some tele now.  Maybe I can get involved in a movie and forget all this stuff that is heavy on my mind today.

Friday, February 14, 2020  6:55 a.m.

Had very strange dreams last night.  I think they were because I was thinking about a new Tower and wondering what kind of memory and things to look for.  Richard was in the dream...some very young unfamiliar house and there was another woman involved somehow.

My friend, Wayne Blackburn, passed away Thursday morning at 2:30 a.m. in Brownsville.  Jody called to tell me.  We talked a couple times yesterday and he promised to stay in touch.  I posted on Face Book so all those who knew Wayne back in the 80s would know he had passed.  Not many of us left.

Tuesday night I dreamed that Debbie gave me a puppy.  Adorable little, rolly polly one.  It was a strange dream because I can't imagine Debbie gifting me anything like a puppy.

Today is Valentine's Day.  Staying off Face Book for today and maybe tomorrow.  Can't bear to see all the horrible things done to animals around the world.  I cannot belong on this planet and be part of a species that does such things.  No love, no compassion, no common sense, no system that values all life.  Too much for me to handle.

I am thinking about how to get all my pictures off Face Book so I can deactivate.  Not sure I want to close my account because it is my only contact with people and what is happening around them and me.

I worry a lot about Steven and his health.  I am distressed, all the time, about the mess in my house.  A young man sleeping on the floor in our store room who is the 21 year old son of a woman who now sleeps in Steven's bed and he sleeps on the couch in the living room.  The hallway is full of her boxes and things, the bedroom has so many boxes and crates full of her things Steven can't get to the armoire where he keeps his clothes so his clothes are stacked on the kitchen table and his shirts are hung on a pole over the washer and dryer.  Now there is another young man, a 20 year old son of the woman, who parks in our driveway and sleeps in his car.  He uses our bathroom, refrigerator, washer and dryer and many times comes in the  house at night and smokes pot with the woman and the 21 year old.  The smoke chokes me up so I retire to the mom's room.

I received some suggestions from friends on Face Book about where to shop for a tower for my bedroom so am going to do some research on that today.  If I can get a tower then I can go online anytime and not wake Steven or the dogs up.  Since he works most nights he doesn't get to bed until 2:30 or 3:00 and, if undisturbed,will get a decent 8 hours of sleep.  The woman works and she is up about 8:30 or sometimes 90.  She comes to the kitchen, makes her coffee, fusses in the freezer and fridge...basically wakes him up every morning.  After she leaves he goes back to sleep and manages to get a few more hours of sleep before  going to work.

I am trying to maintain a vegan...plant based diet...but it is hard because I can only shop on the 3rd of the month and then maybe a little bit mid-month.  Money is very limited.

I am realizing my hopes and dreams are just that...hopes and dreams...and I am probably going to live the rest of my life in this trailer.   My address is 14915 #30.  A 2 street and a 3 house.  My zip code is 77372.  A 26/8 zipcode.  Mixed energy.

Planning on getting a kitten to keep Grey Baby...and in the mom's room.  Would like a much smaller desk for more room and need to get the table that I feed and water Grey Baby on out of the room.  Really wish I could get rid of the huge tub in my bathroom.  Have never used it and never will.  Not able to get up or down in it.  Haven't used the shower in a couple months.  It is small and I have to use a step stool to get up into it.  Wishing for a walk-in tub and shower but no way for that as long as we are in this trailer.

Going to go now back to the mom's room and get it picked up and in order.  Some papers to go through, Grey Baby to feed and litter box to clean.  Also going to start getting all the stray pictures together and into one binder so I don't lose them.

Signing off for the moment...7:33 a.m.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Reconnecting with Kuthumi

In the early 1960s I was ordained a Spiritual Minister, initiated into the White Brotherhood and became the student of Kuthumi, the Ascended Master who is the guardian and teacher of the ancient mysteries.  He leads those who are on a quest for higher knowledge, unconditional love and finding their place in the overall scheme of things.

I first became aware of him when I began my study and research of numerology, Pythagorus, his teaching and his mystery school.  The Kuthumi energy was woven into all of it.

What I gained from my research led me to become a teacher and counselor and it introduced me to many parts of the unseen world found in Universal Love and Universal Wisdom I had not been aware of.  As I was already surrounded by the strength and wisdom of the Unicorn I found it all blended and the combined energies became one of unconditional love and acceptance.

For the past few years I have found myself drifting away from my spiritual energies into the grosser energies of the world of power, greed, corruption and control called politics.  The energy of unconditional love has become silent for me.  Anger, frustration and confusion has taken its place.

But my heart has become heavy and I have sought to once again feel the presence of Kuthumi and to feel his energy and unconditional love.  He has answered my plea for help and we have had several conversations this past month.

I am feeling the return of my love for music, which was a large part of my life from childhood on, and it brings back feelings of contentment and peace.  I am feeling bits of compassion emerging and empathy.

Not sure where this will lead me or which path my feet will become planted on but it may well become a bumpy ride before it settles in and becomes a part of me.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Dance of the Traveler in May of 1994

This article was posted in the May 1994 issue of the Chapel of Prayer Light Views newsletter. 

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Why are certain individuals drawn to the world of metaphysics?

1.  Because they have desire to be something greater than they perceive themselves or "man" to be.

2.  To overcome feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness and unfulfillment which they are experiencing.

3.  To understand themselves.  (They may begin their pursuit of knowledge seeking to understand others, but soon find their real quest deals with self-understanding.)

These are only a few of the reasons a person seeks answers to his dilemmas by delving into the ancient wisdoms.  There are probably as many reasons as there are people seeking change in their lives.

Some of the realizations that are brought to the fore are:

1.  An open mind and an open nature are a must for the acquisition and internalization of knowledge.

2.  Ego is important, but the ego must remain unclouded.

3.  Balance is required in the development of the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Bodies.  This balance can be attained through study, meditation, centering, exercise and proper diet, with attention to a daily discipline in these areas.

4.  Fear must be erased from the consciousness.  It is our only enemy...fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of loss, fear of sickness, or a feeling of insecurity at some level.  A Positive Faith must replace fear as fear is only inverted faith.  It is faith in a negative outcome rather than a good one.

5. Mental attitude is the cause, experience is the effect.  Feelings of insecurity come from making the externals of life (experience) causes, when, in reality, they are the effects.

6. Change your mode of thought and you will change your future, for your future is really your present made manifest.

7. In order to control emotions, you must maintain control of your thoughts and mental images.

8. Whatever is held in the consciousness until it becomes a part of the subjective side of thought tends to take place in the physical world.

9. Never affirm inwardly anything you would not wish to experience outwardly.  Thought is a measurable force in nature and is capable of bringing about change in human beings other than the originator of the thought.  

The Thought was first,
The Word was spoken,
The Manifestation took place.

10. The key to finding our answers lies within,.

11. What goes around, comes around.  (The Eternal Wheel).

12. The fear (knowledge) of the Lord (law) is the beginning of Wisdom.

13. Every man/woman is you teacher.

14. The Law of Forgiveness transcends all other laws...even the Law of Karma.

The study of Metaphysics, Mental or Physical, can become a source of great satisfaction.  It all depends on you, how you use what you learn and your motives for the study.  Metaphysics will become an integral part of your daily existence...the way you think, the way you approach situations and the way you react to experiences that are presented.  You cannot enter a course of study such as this and emerge the same person you were when you started.  The changes may be very subtle at first, but in time you will discover what you are, where you are going and why you are here.  Your self-esteem will soar and your confidence will grow.  Now isn't that a good feeling?

Growth is progress.  You must allow yourself time to grow into real understanding.  Be patient with yourself.  Realize that you all that you are dealing with.  Don't become too engrossed with setting goals for yourself because the thing that will pass you by, if the goals become all-important, is life itself.  Each day is special and should be lived for itself.  Each moment is precious and should be cherished.

Catch you later,


Wow!!!  The ad for the Chapel of Prayer Psychic Fair in May of 1994 listed the following readers:

Chellye Clevenger - Tarot
Claire Shepard - Astro/Tarot
Dorothy Landers - Astro/Numerology
Dotti Visosky - Massage and Intuitive Messages
Dusty and Lahala
Eileen Sanders - Tarot
Holly Wade - Tarot
Marva Boehm-Mason - Palmistry & Astrology
Sandy Penny - Reflexology Readings
Sean Ferrel - Tarot
Sue Van Gelder - Tarot
Sybil - Palmistry & Tarot
Wayne Blackburn - Intuitive Readings
Arthur Douet - Energy & Angel Portraits w/Reading.

During that period of time I received many good readings from each one of these readers.  I know Marva is still in Houston and Sandy Penny is off and on.  Are any of the other readers still working in Houston?  Would love to be in contact if they are.

The Dance of The Traveler in April 1994

This article was posted in the April 1994 issue of the Chapel of Prayer Light Views newsletter.  In re-reading it, I find not too awfully much has changed except the energies and individuals around me.  It certainly brought back pleasant memories and a feeling of wanting to recapture the energies of that time and space.

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On this path of constant wondering, knowing, not-knowing, guessing, what-if-ing and, for the most part, emotional chaos, I have met some wonderful, fumbling, stumbling, highly evolved and evolving, loving and caring people.  They, like I, wait for that big Head Honcho in the sky to appear in the hope he will download the wisdom of the universe into our consciousness and all things will be answered unto us.

I have found, as I wait for this wondrous event to come into being, (and my guidance tells me it most assuredly will happen) that something else is occurring.  It is called "life and living".  This thing that requires my attention and time and makes me a bit crazy.  This thing that insists I communicate, solve problems, stay in my body and deal with the grossness and duality of this physical plane which YOU all created  (I am sure I had nothing to do with it) when what I really want to do is to be out in the middle of the desert with my cats and dog communing with the silence, watching the stars and waiting for the moment when I can leap to my feet, arms reaching to the heavens and, in a calm and collected manner, murmur "you finally made it...beam me up, Scotty".

Fortunately, for me, there are some positive aspects to this plane which make being here at least tolerable, and a few of these are the energies present in the healing workshops at the Chapel of Prayer and Spiritual Horizons Church, Sanctuary,  Gateway Bookstore, Astrology Etc., the gang from Wellborn/College Station, Lotus Land, The Indigo Sun, Cosmic Wisdom, Carmel Temple, Sandy Penny, Dotti Visosky, the questioning and blossoming minds of so many new searchers,and all those incredibly enlightened individuals who praise my cooking and ask for seconds.  (This is, of course, only a partial list, as space is at a premium here, but those of you are not named know who you are.)

While these varied associations and energies help keep me on course, I feel an occasional need, as a member of the hu-man race, for more direct involvement in my immediate environment.  As we wait for the Big Cheese to share the wisdom of the universe, (and don't try to tell me you aren't waiting, too) would you care to join in the struggle against ignorance?  Then, by yourself or with a group (group energy is usually much stronger) broadcast love.  Don't direct it to any one area or person or situation.  Simply release your love energy...unconditionally.  You may see this love as white light, or pink light or the Mother holding her child or as a shower of golden light descending from the heavens.  You may see love shining from every face, positive energy emerging from every structure.  Picture this love as it has meaning for you...see that it has life and energy of its own for it truly does.  See your love flow as freely as God's love flows as he cradles us in his arms.

Teach by being a living example.  Allow your love-light to shine for others to see and feel, let your understanding and acceptance be evident.  Let the knowledge that you are a part of the whole or the one-mind, or the beingness, guide your every thought and action.  See each child as if it were your own, and each neighbor as your beloved brother for whom you wish only the best. Let "God" do ALL the judging 'cause that's His job.  (Isn't that a relief and a load off your shoulders?  Probably leaves some open time for meditation or other positive actions, huh!)  Please, for all our sakes, take an action or a stand which will further the cause of universal harmony and peace.  Get out of yourself and into life!

And so my friends, with all this, the dance of my journey continues...once again probably not a beat I would consciously choose to walk to, but with a rhythm which will surely take me into another experience which I just won't be able to live without.  Catch you later.
