Friday, January 18, 2019

Reconnecting with Kuthumi

In the early 1960s I was ordained a Spiritual Minister, initiated into the White Brotherhood and became the student of Kuthumi, the Ascended Master who is the guardian and teacher of the ancient mysteries.  He leads those who are on a quest for higher knowledge, unconditional love and finding their place in the overall scheme of things.

I first became aware of him when I began my study and research of numerology, Pythagorus, his teaching and his mystery school.  The Kuthumi energy was woven into all of it.

What I gained from my research led me to become a teacher and counselor and it introduced me to many parts of the unseen world found in Universal Love and Universal Wisdom I had not been aware of.  As I was already surrounded by the strength and wisdom of the Unicorn I found it all blended and the combined energies became one of unconditional love and acceptance.

For the past few years I have found myself drifting away from my spiritual energies into the grosser energies of the world of power, greed, corruption and control called politics.  The energy of unconditional love has become silent for me.  Anger, frustration and confusion has taken its place.

But my heart has become heavy and I have sought to once again feel the presence of Kuthumi and to feel his energy and unconditional love.  He has answered my plea for help and we have had several conversations this past month.

I am feeling the return of my love for music, which was a large part of my life from childhood on, and it brings back feelings of contentment and peace.  I am feeling bits of compassion emerging and empathy.

Not sure where this will lead me or which path my feet will become planted on but it may well become a bumpy ride before it settles in and becomes a part of me.